Session Schedule

Session A

Saturday, Feb 22, 9:00-10:15am

Panel 1: French Linguistics
Room: Sampson #211, Chair: Clemmen, Yves-Antoine (Stetson University)

Le Français blasé: product of collective imagination or true linguistic behavior
Eve Rock, Western Carolina University

On Phonetic Transfer: What Are the Obstacles for Fonphone Learners of French?
David Achodo, University of Tennessee

Panel 2: Hispanic Cinema
Room: Sampson #213, Chair: Yuste-Alonso, Ruth (Stetson University)

Trauma in Costa Rican Theatre: Bryan Vindas's La balada post-futurista de los moluscos (2019)
Elaine Miller, Christopher Newport University

Los nuevos giros en el cine boricua contemporáneo
Rosana Diaz Zambrana, Rollins College

Glitching Girls' Bodies: Virtual Reality and Cybermigration in "Dreams of the Jaguar's Daughter" (Salazar-Caro, 2019)
Andrea Gaytan Cuesta, University of North Florida

Session B

Saturday, Feb. 22, 10:30-11:45am

Panel 3: Hispanic Literature I
Room: Sampson #213, Chair: Deckman, Joshua (Stetson University)

La imaginación radioactiva en Giovanna Rivero y Liliana Colanzi, y la cuestión del otro
Pablo Brescia, University of South Florida

El mito de Inkarrí: La memoria del cuerpo vulnerado en Adiós, Ayacucho de Julio Ortega
Andrea Magallanes, University of South Florida

El entenado como palimpsesto de dicotomías y dualidades humanas vistas a través del pensamiento ecológico
Alejandra Cancel Hernandez, University of South Florida

Panel 4: Mideast and South Asian Culture & Literature
Room: Sampson #225, Chair: Grieb, Margit (University of South Florida)

Ambiguity as a Fact of Existence: Reading Franz Kafka in the Arab World
Haidar Khezri, University of Central Florida

Redefining Shakchunni: An Intersectional Ecofeminist Dissection of Heteropatriarchal Bengali Society
Mashaekh Hassan, Florida Atlantic University

Language, Caste and Christianity: Exploring the Intersectional Dynamics of Modernisation of Dalit Christian Vernacular in Post-Abolition Kerala
Binsu Susan John, The English and Foreign Languages University Hyderabad, India

Panel 5: Reality remembered in Francophone culture
Room: Sampson #211, Chair: Yves-Antoine Clemmen (Stetson University)

Dire la réalité à travers le non-dit dans Mes mauvaises pensées de Nina Bouraoui
Martine Wagner, University of South Florida

Commemorating the Algerian War in France: Whose Reality Is Being Recalled?
Youri Buyle, University of Pennsylvania

Session C

Saturday, Feb. 22, 2:00-3:15pm

Panel 6: Hispanic Literature II
Room: Sampson #211, Chair: Yuste-Alonso, Ruth (Stetson University)

Carmen Duarte: Drama and Trauma or Recalibrating Cuban Reality in the 1980s
Mary Ann Gosser-Esquilin, Florida Atlantic University

Twenty Years of Writing the 11-M: The Impact of the Madrid Train Bombings on Spanish Literature (2004-2024)
Heike Scharm, University of South Florida

Julia Navarro questions the past in Dime quién soy (Tell Me Who I Am)
Mariana Martinez Karandashova, Florida International University

Panel 7: La réalité du traumatisme, comment il est exprimé, perçu, cru ou non
Room: Sampson #213, Chair: Leveziel, Frederic (University of South Florida)

Understanding Trauma through Effective Victim Interviewing
Olga Amarie, Georgia Southern University

Comment écrire le traumatisme? Etude de cas: "Failles" de Yanick Lahens, en réponse au séisme de 2010 qui décima Haïti
Aude Jehan, University of Alberta

Psychose collective dans Diary of a Chambermaid (1946)
Frederic Leveziel, University of South Florida

Panel 8: European Cinema
Room: Sampson #225, Chair: Grieb, Margit (University of South Florida)

Alternative Facts: The Ends and Means of Werner Herzog's Ecstatic Truth
Will Lehman, Western Carolina University

Kona fer í strid:Using (In)visibility to Alter Reality
Margit Grieb, University of South Florida

De Sica's Realist Fantasy
Antonio Melchor, Eckerd College
Thomas DiSalvo, Eckerd College

Panel 9: Linguistics and Culture
Room: Sampson #227, Chair: Snezhana Zheltoukhova (Stetson University)

"bro united the world through a meme": An Intercultural Pragmatic Analysis of a Viral Olympic Silver Medalist's Global Appeal
Kübra Çekmegeli, University of South Florida
Melike Akay, University of South Florida

Disputing Dictionaries: Language in the Crosshairs of the Culture Wars
James Mitchell, Salve Regina University

Session D

Saturday, Feb. 22, 3:30-4:45pm

Panel 10: Enhanced Realities in Francophone Cinema and Literature
Room: Sampson #211, Chair: Ripert, Yohann (Stetson University)

Upcoming-War and Science-Fiction at the Verne School in France
Jean Prétat, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Between Realism and Fantastic: Cyrille Fleischman's Storytelling
Sylvie Blum-Reid, University of Florida

L'empire du néon: une critique techno-oreintaliste du film Enter the Void (2011) de Gaspar Noé
Arun Kumar, EFLY Hyderabad

Panel 11: German Literature and Culture
Room: Sampson #225, Chair: Grieb, Margit (University of South Florida)

Of Mice and Wars: E.T.A. Hoffmann's Dresden in "Nussknacker und Mäusekönig" (1816)
Alina Dana Weber, Florida State University

Goethe, Faust, the Archangel Gabriel and His Gospel of "New Realism"
Christian Weber, Florida State University

Traumatic Violence: Rebellious Offspring in Post-Nazi Germany
Stephan Schindler, University of South Florida

Panel 12: Language Pedagogy
Room: Sampson #227, Chair: Zheltoukhova, Snezhana (Stetson University)

Transforming Traditional Methods of Instruction with AI
Taoues Hadour Myers, University of Central Florida

Unleashing the Power of Collaborative Writing in the World Language Classroom
Memry Rasch, University of South Florida

Chatbot Language Tutors: Imaginary Worlds as Contexts for Conversation
Snezhana Zheltoukhova, Stetson University

Session E

Sunday, Feb. 23, 9:00-10:15am

Panel 13: Hispanic Culture, Translation, Pedagogy
Room: Sampson #211, Chair: Lehman, Will (Western Carolina University)

La Ciguapa: Monstrous Intimacies of the Insular Caribbean and Its Diaspora
Joshua Deckman, Stetson University

Advancing Trilingual Competency and Cross-Cultural Competency within the U.S. Higher Education: The Case for Promoting Portuguese among Native, Heritage, and Advanced Spanish Speakers
Patricia Tome, Rollins College

Race, Affect, and Contested Realities in Lorca's Romancero gitano
Tyler Fisher, Florida Gulf Coast University