Keynote Speaker

Camilla Vásquez

Camilla Vásquez

University of South Florida

Professor of Applied Linguistics

Camilla Vásquez is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of South Florida, where she directs the doctoral program in LALS (Linguistics and Applied Language Studies). She is the author of The Discourse of Online Consumer Reviews (Bloomsbury, 2014), Language Creativity and Humour Online (Routledge, 2018) and editor of Research Methods for Digital Discourse Analysis (Bloomsbury, 2022). Camilla’s research on digital discourse – which has focused on topics related to business communication, online identities, and linguistic creativity – has been published in venues such as Current Issues in Tourism, Food & Foodways, Journal of Pragmatics, Journal of Sociolinguistics, Intercultural Pragmatics, Narrative Inquiry, and Visual Communication, among others.  She is former Associate Editor of Discourse, Context & Media and currently serves as co-editor (with Carmen Lee) of the Routledge book series Language Online. Camilla is regularly invited to give presentations around the world and has recently been a keynote speaker at conferences held at Radboud University, Universität Hamburg, Universität Klagenfurt, and Free University of Bolzen-Bolzano.